Using Parquet files with the arrow package
Using Parquet files with the arrow package
The SLFs are available in parquet format. The {arrow} package gives
some extra features which can speed up and reduce memory usage even
further. You can read only specific columns
read_parquet(file, col_select = c(var1, var2))
Using arrow’s ‘Arrow Table’ feature, you can speed up analysis
efficiently. To do this, specify as_data_frame = FALSE
using SLFhelper and dplyr::collect()
to read the data.
For example:
Imagine a scenario of analysing planned and unplanned beddays in
Scotland, there are two ways to read the episode files and do analysis
by setting as_data_frame
to be TRUE
as follows.
# Filter for year of interest
slf_extract1 <- read_slf_episode(c("1819", "1920"),
# Select recids of interest
recids = c("01B", "GLS", "04B"),
# Select columns
col_select = c(
"year", "anon_chi", "recid",
"yearstay", "age", "cij_pattype"
# return an arrow table
as_data_frame = FALSE
) %>%
# Filter for non-elective and elective episodes
dplyr::filter(cij_pattype == "Non-Elective" | cij_pattype == "Elective") %>%
# Group by year and cij_pattype for analysis
dplyr::group_by(year, cij_pattype) %>%
# summarise bedday totals
dplyr::summarise(beddays = sum(yearstay)) %>%
# collect the arrow table
## SLOW and DEFAULT Method
# Filter for year of interest
slf_extract2 <- read_slf_episode(c("1819", "1920"),
# Select recids of interest
recids = c("01B", "GLS", "04B"),
# Select columns
col_select = c(
"year", "anon_chi", "recid",
"yearstay", "age", "cij_pattype"
# return an arrow table
as_data_frame = TRUE # which is default
) %>%
# Filter for non-elective and elective episodes
dplyr::filter(cij_pattype == "Non-Elective" | cij_pattype == "Elective") %>%
# Group by year and cij_pattype for analysis
dplyr::group_by(year, cij_pattype) %>%
# summarise bedday totals
dplyr::summarise(beddays = sum(yearstay))
By specifying as_data_frame = FALSE
when using reading
SLF functions, one enjoys great advantages of parquet
files. One of the advantages is fast query processing by reading only
the necessary columns rather than entire rows. The table below
demonstrates the huge impact of those advantages.
Time consumption (seconds) | Memory usage (MiB) | |
as_data_frame = TRUE |
4.46 | 553 |
as_data_frame = FALSE |
1.82 | 0.43 |