Examples using SLFhelper
- A&E attendances in East Lothian by age group.
Produce a table to compare A&E Attendances for the following age groups (0-17, 18-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85+) for 2018/19 in East Lothian HSCP.
# read in data required from slf individual file - filter for year 2018/19
el_1819 <- read_slf_individual(
year = "1819",
# select variables needed
col_select = c("age", "ae_attendances"),
# filter partnership for East Lothian
partnerships = "S37000010"
# create age bands
age_labs <- c("0-17", "18-64", "65-74", "75-84", "85+") # create age labels
# create age group variable
el_1819 <- el_1819 %>%
mutate(age_group = cut(age,
breaks = c(-1, 17, 64, 74, 84, 150), labels = age_labs
# produce summary table
output_table_1 <- el_1819 %>%
group_by(age_group) %>%
summarise(attendances = sum(ae_attendances)) %>%
- Outpatient attendances by specialty and gender.
Create a table to compare the number of outpatient attendances (SMR00) broken down by specialty and gender in 2017/18 in Scotland.
# read in specialty lookup with names
spec_lookup <-
read_csv("/conf/linkage/output/lookups/Unicode/National Reference Files/Specialty.csv") %>%
spec = Speccode,
spec_name = Description
# read in data required from slf episode file - filter year = 2017/18
op_1718 <- read_slf_episode(
year = "1718",
# select columns
col_select = c("recid", "gender", "spec"),
# filter on recid for outpatients
recids = "00B"
# produce output
output_table_2 <- op_1718 %>%
# get counts by specialty and gender
count(spec, gender) %>%
# exclude those with no gender recorded
filter(gender == 1 | gender == 2) %>%
# recode gender into M/F
mutate(gender = recode(as.character(gender), "1" = "Male", "2" = "Female")) %>%
# move gender to separate columns
pivot_wider(names_from = gender, values_from = n) %>%
# match on specialty names
left_join(spec_lookup) %>%
# reorder variables
select(spec, spec_name, Male, Female)
- Hospital admissions & beddays by HB of residence.
Produce a table to compare the number of admissions, bed days and average length of stay (split into elective and non-elective) by Health Board of Residence in 2018/19.
# Read in names for Health Boards
hb_lookup <-
read_csv("/conf/linkage/output/lookups/Unicode/Geography/Scottish Postcode Directory/Codes and Names/Health Board Area 2019 Lookup.csv") %>%
hb2019 = HealthBoardArea2019Code,
hb_desc = HealthBoardArea2019Name
# read in data required from slf individual file - filter for 2018/19
indiv_1819 <- read_slf_individual(
year = "1819",
# Select columns of interest
col_select = c(
"hb2019", "cij_el", "cij_non_el",
# calculate total bed days and add on HB names
indiv_1819_inc_totals <- indiv_1819 %>%
# calculate overall bed days
elective_beddays = acute_el_inpatient_beddays + mh_el_inpatient_beddays +
non_elective_beddays = acute_non_el_inpatient_beddays + mh_non_el_inpatient_beddays +
) %>%
# match on HB name
# produce summary table
output_table_3 <- indiv_1819_inc_totals %>%
# group by HB of residence
group_by(hb2019, hb_desc) %>%
# produce summary table
elective_adm = sum(cij_el),
non_elective_adm = sum(cij_non_el),
elective_beddays = sum(elective_beddays),
non_elective_beddays = sum(non_elective_beddays)
) %>%
# calculate average length of stay
elective_alos = elective_beddays / elective_adm,
non_elective_alos = non_elective_beddays / non_elective_adm
- GP Out of Hours Consulations in South Ayrshire.
Create a table showing the number of GP Out of Hours consultations for patients with dementia in South Ayrshire HSCP in 2019/20 broken down by type of consultation.
# read in data required from slf episode file - filter for year = 2019/20
sa_1920 <- read_slf_episode(
year = "1920",
# select columns
col_select = c("dementia", "smrtype"),
# filter for South Ayrshire HSCP
partnerships = "S37000027",
# Filter for GP OOH data
recids = "OoH"
# select dementia patients
sa_dementia_1920 <- sa_1920 %>%
filter(dementia == 1)
# produce summary table
output_table_4 <- sa_dementia_1920 %>%
- Costs in Aberdeen City.
Produce a table to show the number of patients and the total costs for Aberdeen City HSCP in 2018/19. Include a breakdown of costs for the following services: Acute (inpatients & daycases), GLS, Mental Health and Maternity, Outpatients, A&E, GP Out of Hours, Community Prescribing.
# read in data required from slf individual file - filter year = 2018/19
ab_1819 <- read_slf_individual(
year = "1819",
# select columns
col_select = c(
"acute_cost", "gls_cost", "mh_cost", "mat_cost",
"op_cost_attend", "ae_cost", "ooh_cost", "pis_cost",
# filter for Aberdeen City
partnerships = "S37000001"
# Have used variables which exclude the cost of outpatient attendances which did
# not attend (DNA) but you could also include this if needed.
# produce summary table
output_table_5 <- ab_1819 %>%
# rename outatients variable
rename(op_cost = op_cost_attend) %>%
# sum of all cost variables and number of patients
summarise(across(ends_with("_cost"), ~ sum(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
patients = n()
) %>%
# switch to rows
- Deaths from Dementia / Alzheimers
Produce a chart to show the number of deaths from 2015/16 to 2019/20 in Scotland where the main cause of death was recorded as Dementia/Alzheimers (ICD 10 codes: G30, F01-F03, F05.1).
# read in data required from slf episode file - filter for years 2015/16 to 2019/20
deaths <- read_slf_episode(
year = c("1516", "1617", "1718", "1819", "1920"),
# select columns
col_select = c("year", "deathdiag1"),
# Filter for death records
recids = "NRS"
# extract 3 & 4 digit codes and select those with dementia
dementia_deaths <- deaths %>%
# extract 3 & 4 digit ICD 10 codes
diag_3d = str_sub(deathdiag1, 1, 3),
diag_4d = str_sub(deathdiag1, 1, 4)
) %>%
# select dementia codes
filter(diag_3d == "G30" | diag_3d == "F00" | diag_3d == "F01" |
diag_3d == "F02" | diag_3d == "F03" | diag_4d == "F051")
# produce summary table
output_table_6 <- dementia_deaths %>%
count(year) %>%
rename(deaths = n)
- Number and cost of prescriptions for MS
Create a table to compare the number and cost of prescribed items for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) by HSCP in 2018/19. Include the number of dispensed items and cost per patient.
# read in HSCP names (used in exercises 7 & 9)
hscp_lookup <- read_csv("/conf/linkage/output/lookups/Unicode/Geography/Scottish Postcode Directory/Codes and Names/Integration Authority 2019 Lookup.csv") %>%
hscp2019 = IntegrationAuthority2019Code,
hscp_desc = IntegrationAuthority2019Name
# read in data required from slf episode file - filter for year = 2018/19
pis_1819 <- read_slf_individual("1819",
col_select = c("hscp2019", "ms", "pis_paid_items", "pis_cost")
# select all patients with MS & add on HSCP name
ms_1819 <- pis_1819 %>%
filter(ms == 1) %>%
# produce summary table
output_table_7 <- ms_1819 %>%
# group by hscp
group_by(hscp2019, hscp_desc) %>%
# sum up number of items, costs & patients with MS (not all will have had prescription)
pis_paid_items = sum(pis_paid_items),
pis_cost = sum(pis_cost),
patients = sum(ms)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# calculate number of items / cost per patient
items_per_patient = pis_paid_items / patients,
cost_per_patient = pis_cost / patients
- A&E attendance in last 3 months of life.
Produce a table to show the number of deaths in Glasgow City HSCP in 2019/20 and what proportion had an A&E attendance in the last 3 months of life.
# extract all deaths in Glasgow City in 1920 - Filter year = 1920
gc_deaths <- read_slf_episode(
year = "1920",
# select columns
col_select = c("anon_chi", "death_date"),
# filter for Glasgow City
partnerships = "S37000015",
# Filter for death records
recids = "NRS"
) %>%
# exclude those with missing chi
filter(anon_chi != "") %>%
# exclude duplicates
distinct(anon_chi, death_date)
# extract all A&E attendances in 1819 & 1920
ae <- read_slf_episode(
year = c("1819", "1920"),
# select columns
col_select = c("anon_chi", "recid", "record_keydate1"),
# filter for A&E data
recids = "AE2"
) %>%
# exclude those with missing chi
filter(anon_chi != "") %>%
# rename date of attendance
rename(attendance_date = record_keydate1)
# select A&E attendances for those individuals who are in the GC deaths file
ae_gc <- ae %>%
# filter A&E attendances for those in deaths file
semi_join(gc_deaths) %>%
# match on date of death
# select A&E attendances which are within 3 months of death (counted as 91 days)
ae_gc_3m <- ae_gc %>%
# create 3 month interval
mutate(int_3m = interval(death_date - days(91), death_date)) %>%
# flag if attendance is in 3 month interval
mutate(att_3m = if_else(attendance_date %within% int_3m, 1, 0)) %>%
# select only those attendances in 3 months before death
filter(att_3m == 1)
# create list of patients with A&E attendance in 3m period
pats_ae_3m <- ae_gc_3m %>%
# select only chi and attendance flag
select(anon_chi, att_3m) %>%
# restrict to one row per person
# final output for total number of deaths and number with an A&E attendance in last 3 months
output_table_8 <- gc_deaths %>%
# match on attendance flag
left_join(pats_ae_3m) %>%
# summarise total deaths and deaths with A&E attendance in last 3 months
deaths = n(),
deaths_with_ae_att = sum(att_3m, na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
# calculate %
mutate(prop_ae_3m = deaths_with_ae_att / deaths)
- Non elective admissions in Geriatric Medicine.
Create a table showing the number of non-elective admissions with any part of the stay (Continuous Inpatient Journey, CIJ) in the specialty Geriatric Medicine, by HSCP in 2019/20. Also include the associated bed days, cost and number of patients.
# extract data required from episode file
smr_1920 <- read_slf_episode(
year = "1920",
col_select = c(
"anon_chi", "record_keydate1", "record_keydate2",
"spec", "hscp2019", "yearstay", "cost_total_net",
"cij_marker", "cij_pattype"
recids = c("01B", "GLS", "04B")
) %>%
# exclude those with missing chi
filter(anon_chi != "")
# flag episodes in Geriatric Medicine specialty AB
smr_1920 <- smr_1920 %>%
mutate(ger_med = if_else(spec == "AB", 1, 0))
# select only those from non-elective stays
smr_1920_ne <- smr_1920 %>%
filter(cij_pattype == "Non-Elective")
# aggregate to cij level
# we want to keep eariest admission and latest discharge, keep flag if any episode was in spec AB
# take hscp from the last record and sum beddays & cost
cij_1920 <- smr_1920_ne %>%
arrange(anon_chi, cij_marker, record_keydate1, record_keydate2) %>%
group_by(anon_chi, cij_marker) %>%
across(record_keydate1, min),
across(c(record_keydate2, ger_med), max),
across(c(cij_pattype, hscp2019), last),
across(c(yearstay, cost_total_net), sum)
) %>%
# select only admissions with part of their stay in Geriatric Medicine specialty
cij_ger_med <- cij_1920 %>%
filter(ger_med == 1)
# aggregate up to patient level
# we want to keep eariest admission and latest discharge, keep flag if any episode was in spec AB
# take hscp from the last record and sum beddays & cost
pat_1920 <- cij_ger_med %>%
group_by(anon_chi, hscp2019) %>%
across(c(ger_med, yearstay, cost_total_net), sum)
) %>%
# produce output
# note patients may be counted in more than one hscp
output_table_9 <- pat_1920 %>%
# match on hscp names
left_join(hscp_lookup) %>%
# group up to hscp level
group_by(hscp2019, hscp_desc) %>%
# sum up measures
admissions = sum(ger_med),
beddays = sum(yearstay),
cost = sum(cost_total_net),
patients = n()
) %>%