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Get Open Data resources from a dataset


  max_resources = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  include_context = FALSE



name of the dataset as found on NHS Open Data platform


(optional) the maximum number of resources to return, use for testing code, it will return the n latest resources


(optional) specify the max number of rows to return for each resource.


(optional) If TRUE additional information about the resource will be added as columns to the data, including the resource ID, the resource name, the creation date and the last modified/updated date.


a tibble with the data

See also

get_resource() for downloading a single resource from a dataset.


  max_resources = 2, rows = 10
#> # A tibble: 20 × 24
#>        Date PracticeCode HB        HSCP   Sex   SexQF AllAges AllAgesQF Ages0to4
#>       <int>        <int> <chr>     <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <int> <chr>        <int>
#>  1 20240701        10002 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       4072 ""             179
#>  2 20240701        10002 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       4188 ""             175
#>  3 20240701        10002 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      8260 ""             354
#>  4 20240701        10017 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       3697 ""             136
#>  5 20240701        10017 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       3657 ""             116
#>  6 20240701        10017 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      7354 ""             252
#>  7 20240701        10036 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       2449 ""              94
#>  8 20240701        10036 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       2407 ""              55
#>  9 20240701        10036 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      4856 ""             149
#> 10 20240701        10106 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       3100 ""              92
#> 11 20240401        10002 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       4056 ""             186
#> 12 20240401        10002 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       4195 ""             176
#> 13 20240401        10002 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      8251 ""             362
#> 14 20240401        10017 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       3652 ""             134
#> 15 20240401        10017 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       3620 ""             115
#> 16 20240401        10017 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      7272 ""             249
#> 17 20240401        10036 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       2437 ""              99
#> 18 20240401        10036 S08000030 S3700… Fema… ""       2406 ""              53
#> 19 20240401        10036 S08000030 S3700… All   "d"      4843 ""             152
#> 20 20240401        10106 S08000030 S3700… Male  ""       3095 ""              93
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: Ages0To4QF <chr>, Ages5to14 <int>, Ages5To14QF <chr>,
#> #   Ages15to24 <int>, Ages15To24QF <chr>, Ages25to44 <int>, Ages25To44QF <chr>,
#> #   Ages45to64 <int>, Ages45To64QF <chr>, Ages65to74 <int>, Ages65To74QF <chr>,
#> #   Ages75to84 <int>, Ages75To84QF <chr>, Ages85plus <int>, Ages85PlusQF <chr>